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 ++Joseph Stones++

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Stigmata XXI

  Stigmata XXI is the passage to show all the kinds of art that I want to do and to produce with partners or not. Music, photos, literature, paintings. The future projects and the current musical project 'Joseph Stones' will have that label in their "identifications". 

  The great new on having an independent label is that all the materials will be produced for each person who may order for it/them, for example, the current album 'The Rebirth Of The Sinner' will have cover and artwork, and it will contain the lyrics, and the original Cd, all home produced. 

  Stigmata XXI is the best way to be closest to all of you as much as I can. Stay tuned for the other news like the photography project and the story one.

Hugs and let the soul of Coppernicus enlighten your minds.
